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Computer; Computer hardware

Term used to describe Apple addicts, who must always be amongst the first to buy all the newest Apple Gadgets, think poorly of ...


Language; Slang

Bread in slang means money ,, people say : I need some bread to pay for my car , bread here means money.


Dance; African-American

An uncoordinated dancer attempting to twerk in front of a crowd. (eg. "that girl is a real twork")

space funeral

Personal life; Funeral

A form of burial service that sends the dead body into space instead of burring it on earth. The idea with space funeral is that ...


Parenting; Child care

This term comes from the combination of two words: pollinator + player. Just like bees fly from flower to flower in a frantic ...

pic let-down

Psychology; Feelings and states

The kind of disappointment that kids get when they repeatedly try to widen or move pictures on books or paper format as if they ...

Total Recall

Software; Email

Total Recall is an email feature that allows messages sent in error to be destroyed before the recipient has a chance to open ...


General; Miscellaneous

Showing the desire to buy more books, despite already owning more than one could possibly read.


Language; Linguistics

A TRANSINTERPRETER will be a linguist who works as both, a translator and interpreter, at the same time. Before the 21st ...


Language; Language learning

One who closed-mindedly insists on only knowing and communicating in one language (ie, English), despite inhabiting a ...


Language; Slang

While this might mean to make a shrill cry, or to laugh or talk in a shrill manner, or even the act of a large group of women in ...


Culture; People

One who, like the black hole at the center of our galaxy, sucks in others' stories of personal success and allows not a single ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

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