Pagină de pornire > Blossary: Humanitarian action
Created by: Filogis
Number of Blossarys: 6
My Terms
Collected Terms
Romanian (RO)
Russian (RU)
Albanian (SQ)
Spanish (ES)
Hindi (HI)
Italian (IT)
Bosnian (BS)
Polish (PL)
Indonesian (ID)
Romanian (RO)
Hungarian (HU)
Somali (SO)
French (FR)
Albanian (SQ)
Un stat care a acceptat termenii unui contract (de exemplu, stat membru al Uniunii Europene sau o asociere de state)
Domain: Non-profit organizations; Industrie/Domeniu: Organ transplant organizations
A state that has accepted the terms of a contract (i.e. member state of a Union or Association of States)
Domain: Non-profit organizations; Industrie/Domeniu: Organ transplant organizations
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