Home > Blossary: Migration
Migration is an issue that needs a global approach and is currently being discussed on local, bilateral and global arenas. This glossary focuses on migration, the types of migration that exist and terms and concepts used in the migration field.

Category: Politics

8 Terms

Created by: pemh.89

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Foreigners admitted by a country other than their own due to their historical, ethnic or other ties with that country. By virtue of these ties, the foreigner is immediately granted the right of long-term residence in that country or, having the right to nationality in that country, may become a national within a short period after admission into the country.

Domain: Culture; Category: People

Tujci priznala država izven svoje zaradi svoje zgodovinsko, etnično ali drugih vezi z te države. Na podlagi teh vezi, je tujec, je takoj priznana pravica dolgoročno prebivanja v tej državi , ali imajo pravico do državljanstva, v tej državi, lahko postane državljan v kratkem po vstop v državo.

Domain: Culture; Category: People

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