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Category: Religion

15 Terms

Created by: architected

Number of Blossarys: 27

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Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy is a genetic defect, which can lead to optic nerve damage or neuropathy, is called by roughly one in every 9,000 people. Around 50 per cent of men and 80 per cent of women with the disorder will suffer no loss of vision. The main symptom is the sudden loss of vision, which is caused by a death of cells in the optic nerve responsible for relaying visual information from the eyes to the brain. Once cells start dying, affected eyes will begin seeing colours that appear more washed out. Within a period of eight weeks, it can lead to near or total blindness.

Domain: Medical; Health care; Category: Medicine

Leber 遺傳性視神經病變是遺傳缺陷,可能導致視神經損傷或病變,叫做由大約一個在每個 9000 人。大約 50%的男性和 80 % 的婦女與紊亂會遭受無損失的視野。 的主要症狀是突然喪失視覺,由中負責繼電保護視覺資訊從眼睛到大腦視神經細胞死亡引起。一旦細胞開始死亡,受影響的眼睛將開始看到顏色顯得更褪色。在八周內,它會導致附近的或共有的盲目性。

Domain: Medical; Health care; Category: Medicine

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