Home > Industry/Domain > Beverages > Distilled liquor
Distilled liquor
Of or pertaining to any alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation from wine, fermented fruit or plant juice, or from various cereal grains that have first been brewed.
Industry: Beverages
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Distilled liquor
Beverages; Distilled liquor
Jasné, sladkého drievka-ochutené likér z Grécka, ktoré dostane chuť z anízu.
Beverages; Distilled liquor
Citrusové šťavy s dvoma alebo viacerými likéry alebo vína. Podáva za studena. Horúce údery použiť mlieko, vajcia a smotany.
Beverages; Distilled liquor
Made by distilling the fermented juice of sugar cane, cane syrup and molasses. It is bottled and sold at 80 proof. Aged in uncharred barrels, it picks up very little color. Caramel is added to create ...
Beverages; Distilled liquor
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