Home > Industry/Domain > Parenting > Pregnancy


Pregnancy is the fertilization and development of offspring in a women's uterus.

Contributors in Pregnancy



Parenting; Pregnancy

V tehotenstve, rozrezanie odkazuje slzu v perineálnej oblasti, ktorá sa vyskytuje počas pôrodu.


Parenting; Pregnancy

Nízky krvný tlak. Niektoré ženy zažijú hypotenzia, keď sa dostanú epidurálnej počas pôrodu.


Parenting; Pregnancy

Extrémne zriedkavé rakoviny, ktorá rastie v maternici počas tehotenstva.

mierne krvácanie

Parenting; Pregnancy

Any type of bloody discharge from the vagina.

pohlavne prenosné ochorenia

Parenting; Pregnancy

Chorôb prenosných sexuálnych vzťahov, ako je kvapavka, syfilis, genitálne bradavice, chlamýdie, Trichomoniáza, HIV, Hepatitída B a ľudským papilomavírusom (HPV).


Parenting; Pregnancy

Also called the "mask of pregnancy" and more common in women with darker complexions, this discoloration of the face appears in a mask-like configuration or a confetti-like appearance on the ...


Parenting; Pregnancy

Rubella is a highly contagious viral disease with a mild red rash that can cause serious birth defects in a fetus if a pregnant woman is afflicted. Women who haven't had it should make sure they're ...

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