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Vietnam War

A war in the country of Vietnam between the United States and the communist forces of North Vietnam. The U.S. was attempting to keep South Vietnam free from communism. The North Vietnamese eventually won, forcing the United States to withdraw.

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Vietnam War


Military; Vietnam War

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Military; Vietnam War

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Military; Vietnam War

Osoby zodpovedné za pálenie ľudské výkaly.

Rím pluh

Military; Vietnam War

Mamutie buldozér slúži na vyrovnávanie hustej džungli.


Military; Vietnam War

Akékoľvek lietadlo, ale zvyčajne sa odkazuje na vrtuľníky.

poskytovanie & služieb (S & S)

Military; Vietnam War

Označenie jednotky armády podporu.


Military; Vietnam War

Špecialista 5. triedy. Ekvivalent k seržant.

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