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General literature

Contributors in General literature

General literature


Literature; General literature

Language that is discordant and difficult to pronounce, such as this line from John Updike’s "Player Piano": "never my numb plunker fumbles." Cacophony ("bad sound") may be unintentional in the ...


Literature; General literature

Unrhymed jamb Wu Yin. Prázdne verš je anglický verš forma najbližšie na prírodné rytmy anglickej reči a preto je najviac obyčajný vzor nájdené v tradičnej anglickej rozprávanie a dramatické poézie od ...


Literature; General literature

Meaning "purgation," catharsis describes the release of the emotions of pity and fear by the audience at the end of a tragedy. In his Poetics, Aristotle discusses the importance of catharsis. The ...


Literature; General literature

Traditionally, a ballad is a song, transmitted orally from generation to generation, that tells a story and that eventually is written down. As such, ballads usually cannot be traced to a particular ...


Literature; General literature

The repetition of internal vowel sounds in nearby words that do not end the same, for example, "asleep under a tree," or "each evening." Similar endings result in rhyme, as in "asleep in the deep." ...


Literature; General literature

Protagonista, ktorý má naopak väčšina tradičných atribútov hrdinu. On alebo ona môže byť zmätený, neúčinné, pošetilou alebo len úbohé. Často to, čo antiheroes učiť sa, ak sa niečo naučiť, je, že svet ...


Literature; General literature

Termín používaný na opis univerzálny symboly, ktoré vyvolávajú hlboké a niekedy v bezvedomí reakcie v čítačke. V literatúre, znaky, obrázky a motívy, ktoré symbolicky vyjadrujú univerzálny význam a ...

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